Cookies are small text files of data that are stored on your computer or other device when you visit a website. They are used for the operation of the website you are visiting and provide additional functionalities (such as user identification, save preferences).
This website uses cookies for the following functions:
Basic functionalities such as:
All web browsers allow you to manage cookies, and you can decide whether to delete cookies as soon as you complete your visit to the website or define your preferences before starting your navigation. Please note that if you choose to reject or delete cookies, the website functionality may be impaired (e.g. some functions may not be fully available). You may find more information about your web browser in the following links:
You may find further details about the use of Cookies, as well as about the way they are restricted or rejected in the websites below:
This policy may be modified at any time, and the current one is always the most recent version. We suggest you regularly refer to this page, which is effective since May 20 2019.
The Company is not responsible for the references to external websites listed in this Policy or for their content and services, which the Company can not control nor adopts, as well as for any damage that may result from their use, as the visitor has access to them at his/her own risk.